Online Payday Loan Scams In Aggressive Scam Scheme
Aggressiveness and poor manners of a scam demanding money from Kentucky woman, Ruby Bush, on the phone made it clear there was a kind of a trick behind.
Before following instructions of this unpleasant person who introduced himself as a lawyer from Morgan And Associates, she decided to do a little research to find out there were many complaints about such calls. A number of people had already been called by a scam and told they would end up in jail if they wouldn't pay back the loan amount of 24 hour payday loans they allegedly had taken. The problem was, however, that they actually never had taken any online payday loans.
Rudy Bush said the man calling had her almost physically sick. She had the impression it all was for real, because the man knew everything about her: her name, her children's names, her date of birth, social security number. He also knew where she lived and worked.
$500 was the sum the man told her to pay. The money was supposed to be repayment for an online payday loan. However, Ruby wasn't deceived.
The funniest thing was that the caller hadn't wanted to give any details on the matter. He only said she would learn everything in the court, and he also didn't see it necessary to tell her exactly who he was.
Morgan And Associates reported through their site that there had been such cases.
Officials at Kentucky's Attorney General's office said they had received a lot of same complaints. They insistently advise customers not to send money to unknown people even when they treat you like that.
Ruby Bush still hope to see the man who called her in court, because she want such people pay for what they are doing. Posted on Tue, 2010-11-30 15:54