Have you ever borrowed money from lenders? Of cause you have! Nowadays there are few who don't use credit opportunities that our world offers. However, any loans are associated with certain risks.
Shopping around you can find a reliable home mortgage for 5% annual interest rate. Posted on Thu, 2010-12-30 16:18
Recently, Colorado citizens have seen a new bill, named House Bill 1351. According to this new bill APRs for Payday Loans are capped at 45%. This innovation leaves no opportunity to develop payday industry taking into account high operating expenses and a number of customers who default on those payday loans.Posted on Fri, 2010-11-05 03:41
People turn to borrowing when they are short of cash. Nowadays, payday lenders have their lion share in a loan market, together with banks, credit unions and credit card companies. But as it turns to be not every lender plays fair.Posted on Fri, 2010-04-02 02:24 |