The main reason for detailed inspection and careful watch associated with instant payday loan industry is supposed to be high interest rates; as if high interest rates have the potential of worsening financial stability of the individuals taking out payday loans. However, so-called high interest rate turns out to be rather normal if we compare it wiPosted on Sat, 2010-06-26 06:34
Tuesday. Thanks to House Bill 1351 Ritter signed into law, current short-term, high-interest payday loans will be replaced by 'softer' up to 12 month term loan. The Loan Reform also allows for interest rates cut. Posted on Fri, 2010-06-25 03:53
With Senate having voted against an amendment to payday loan industry, the idea of which was based on federal committee regulation, payday loan lenders enjoy prominent victory. The state lawmakers regulate the industry on its current level.Posted on Wed, 2010-06-23 04:58
Legislature versus payday loan companies is a common conflict nowadays. Hardly did anybody fail to hear at least in passing the reports from this constant battle. The reason for restricting legislature regarding payday loan lenders is well justified by the necessity to protect people from cheating and debts.Posted on Sun, 2010-06-20 06:44
There is a popular myth about payday loans online. The myth spoils payday loans reputation as it convince people in payday loans being an strange financial option of huge rates and with the potential of making its users constant debtors. Myths of the kind are created due to unawareness of the very mechanism of lending short term loans. Posted on Thu, 2010-06-10 09:37
Payday lending loopholes are closed now, as the Ohio House of Representatives approved House Bill 486. The essence of the bill consists in protecting people in need from violation of their rights. Posted on Tue, 2010-06-08 07:58 |